Monday, October 28, 2013


As you might know - this week I launched a "new" blog - 
which is this one and I've decided to shift my weekly diary round ups over here.

I've been posting a ton of posts daily, 
and will continue to do so as much as I can. 
And here's like a summary of what I've posted last week!


First off - 
I started a new-type of post on my blog, 
featuring lip swatches, 
this week I will feature other-product swatches, 
I thought it's a fun way of showing you swatches of products
 I've already reviewed as a kind of refresher. 

Anyway - here are the lip swatches for this week
 (you can click on the photos for a direct link to the blog post)





I posted my weekly diary post last Monday. 
It featured makeup looks, reviews, tutorials and
videos.  Check it out HERE!




A purple eyeshadow look up on my blog- check it out HERE!

RE-LAUNCHING *Dyna's Random Blog !

 I also relaunched my new blog - and you can check out my very first post HERE!


L'OREAL Glam Bronze in 940 Sunkissed Bronze | Review ! 

Check out the review HERE!

In the meantime on my personal blog - 


 Read on HERE!



A peek into my wishlist! | FEEL UNIQUE WISHLIST | Rimmel, L'Oreal & Maybelline !

 Check out the post right HERE!

And on my personal blog -- 

How to deal with.. PREGNANCY WEIGHT ! 

Read on HERE!


WJCON Automatic Long Lasting Eye Liner #103 Flamingo | Review w/ Swatches ! 

 Check out the full review HERE!

And on my other blog--

BEAUTY BLOGGING TIPS | HOW I BLOG! + coming soon on the blog! 

 Check out my tips and tricks HERE!



 Read on HERE!

And --


 Check out the full post HERE!


MUA Eyebrow Pencil in Brunette | Review w/ Swatches !

 Check out the review HERE!

 That's it for this post-
I know it was a lengthy one .. 
but I hope you find it helpful.
Thank you guys for supporting and following
and I'll see you in the next post!

Saturday, October 26, 2013


We've hit the 33rd week mark!
In simpler terms - I have 7 and a half months pregnancy. 
I feel huge, and simple tasks like lying down, getting out of bed, 
climbing up and down the stairs, standing up for a long time -
have become missions. 

I have 7 weeks to go to my due date, 
and I can't wait. 
Aicha's kicking stronger than ever, and she even has hiccups now!
She's quite the hyper baby and I honestly love that 
I think she even moves in her sleep - because she doesn't stop moving for longer than 15 minutes. 

On another note,
I have a slight confession to make - 
I actually tried to film a video the other day, 
but my face looked so bloated on camera, 
and I freaked out. 
I hadn't filmed a video in such a while, 
and it was quite shocking for me to see that I've gained weight on my face. 
I'll try to get over it and get to filming should I find the chance again. 
I think it's going to be a while though - because my vanity section is not even close to ready and it's difficult to find good lighting. 
Anyway - 
rant over. 

Take care dolls!



Friday, October 25, 2013

BEAUTY BLOGGING TIPS | HOW I BLOG! + coming soon on the blog!


As promised I wanted to share with you how I blog and upload videos and all. 
If you're a reader - you're just going to find out the way I do things round here. 
AND If you have a blog - you might find some of the tips I do helpful. 

Due to the nature of this TOP SECRET blog post
 (you might want to buckle up for this one)
I will be splitting the post in two parts - BLOGGING and YOUTUBE.
the YOUTUBE part will be coming in the next post.


I don't schedule posts, because I like sharing them on facebook, twitter and such at the time of posting. 
BUT - I pre-plan my posts fully. All I have to do is click the PUBLISH button. 
Why do I do this? - because I'm a human being and I don't feel like blogging everyday. 

Why? Because sometimes - I have a week-full worth of FOTDs - 
but don't want to overload my blog with just FOTDs for that whole week. 
I like to change it up. -It's fun.

#3 I edit photos on
 - I suck so much at photoshop, this is the next best thing for me. 
I don't know how to use any other editing program, so I just use this one.

#4 I take photos of products in the shade during daytime when the sun is bright 
This is the most perfect lighting I've found so far. So I try my best to shoot photos like this.

#5 I take photos of products on top of a clear white paper. 
I like the white background - plus my blog background is all white so it kind of fits in. 

#6 I take photos in bulk- even swatches 
- it's quicker when you've set up your photography section / camera and take photos of all products in bunch

#7 I *try* to take photos sealed and untouched.

#8 I edit photos in bulk
Again. The whole issue - of when I feel like doing it.

#9 I put photos of products into folders ASAP
because otherwise - everything will be all over the place

#10 I type out reviews only when I'm in the mood,
 otherwise I won't be putting my 200% in the post

#11 I upload photos on facebook and then drag them on my page. 
Why? Because I exceeded my upload limit a long time ago,
 and I'm not willing to pay for storage on the net.
 So I upload - refresh on the photos and drag them on the posts.

#12 I put a disclaimer on every post featuring products
 so that my readers will know whether I've been sent products for free or not.

#13 I type out FOTD products straight after I take photos, 
because my mind likes to play tricks on me and I often forget very easily.

 #14 I put a watermark on my photos 
because I've had it with people stealing my photos instead of taking their own. If they do that now - they will be promoting my blog at least.


As I have said, I plan to post much more videos on my youtube channel,
as of January 2014.
I will continue to post blog posts probably daily,
however, I will focus more on my youtube channel
because I've found myself loving posting videos more than I love posting blog posts.
I've been "just" reviewing products and posting FOTDs for ages on my blog.
So it's time for a change, I think.

As you all know - I love Makeup,
and that's my number one subject on the blog.
It's been the ONLY subject for so long,
but I want to do more than that.
So I launched this blog - so I could post anything non-makeup related over here.

We're expecting our first child at the moment,
and I know you might think I'm crazy for wanting to focus
more on youtube and videos and such,
it's a passion I love,
my daughter will be my number one priority regardless
- but I feel it's also important for my daughter to have a happy Mum too.
And I want to do what makes me happy.

As I've said, I will not be posting baby photos or anything of the matter,
because I want the utmost privacy for my daughter.
Not that I think anything's wrong with posting photos of children,
and I'm not judging anyone.
But I don't want my daughter's photos all over the internet.

People can steal photos and mock me and do whatever they want.
But if I find anyone's stealing my daughter's photos I'd go all mama bear on the person.
And trust me - we wouldn't want that to happen.

Anyway, because I feel I'm randomly rambling now.
I've gained weight (12 kilos so far) during my pregnancy,
and I want you to take the journey with me to get my pre-pregnancy body back.
I know pregnancy changes you,
but I want to get fit and healthy
I want to take you on this journey with me.

Another thing that's coming up on the blog is more OOTDs -
I know my blog is mainly about makeup -
and that's what I love to post about most,
but I love incorporating makeup with clothes
(even though I often match my makeup with my clothes not the other way round)
and right now I obviously can't really post OOTDs -
when I'm 7 months pregnant and virtually nothing fits.

I am very skeptical on changing my whole wardrobe.
I won't be buying a whole new wardrobe to fit my new body,
because I want to get back to my original size (hopefully).

Anyway - reviews about products are going to continue coming
on * Makeup by Dyna as well as tips and FOTDs and anything related,
 because I love sharing with you about products I love and products I don't like.

I'm excited to share with you posts that might be non-makeup related every now and then,
and that still could be of help to you.
I'm not sure if I will be posting here daily, we'll see how things go. 

I hope you guys will love my posts and videos yet to come
in the new year
and I wish you dolls a good day!

- Dyna

Thursday, October 24, 2013

How to deal with.. PREGNANCY WEIGHT !


Almost 4 months in the photo

I've had a problem prior to my pregnancy with gaining weight
 and I remember how uncomfortable I felt being skinny.
I KNOW that the baby has to grow, so I automatically have to, too. 
But I wasn't quite prepared to step aside from wearing my normal wardrobe - 
For some reason in Malta - the maternity sections in shops suck big time, 
and everything looked unflattering on my belly - 
Thank God I have a patient boyfriend who's all into making his baby mama happy, 
and eventually found a shop that stocked up some flattering dresses for my new bump. 

My body started to bulge up and I wasn't quite prepared - I haven't been eating unhealthy or anything - but I can see my arms bulging up. And cellulite. Gosh - that better go away after pregnancy. 
My breasts doubled in size, and so has my butt - and even though you might be thinking
- When you're used to wearing certain dresses it's tough to accept that your body is bulging up and you might not be able to fit into your wardrobe post-pregnancy.
Everyone keeps telling me I'll bounce right back. 
Somehow- I'm starting to accept I won't - because I KNOW I'll find it hard to accept after - 
should that be the case.

Everyone keeps telling me that it's normal - and it is - 
but aside from stating the obvious, 
it's HARD to digest that you've lost control over your own body. 

Even though everyone keeps telling you you glow and what not - 
you start to realise you're sweating in places you've never thought you'd be sweating.
You start to realise that sometimes you pee when you sneeze, 
and as you grow bigger and bigger - 
you start to feel uncomfortable in many ways. 

Not everyone likes to disclose on their pregnancy weight issues, 
because everyone automatically is somewhat shocked
that you're not comfortable in your new weight. 
I'm just saying it's normal to feel down
 because you've been gaining weight in areas you're not used to.
If you're pregnant - are planning a pregnancy, or want to be pregnant at some point, 
you probably might want to keep this in mind. 
I don't want to be the one person who's trying to scare off people from being pregnant or whatever. 
I'm just saying as it is - 
you might LOVE your new body, 
but chances are the big changes are a bit tough to digest, 
because no one really prepares you for them. 

Once you're pregnant, 
you've lost control of the energy, weight, shape and everything that is related to your body. 
YES - It's all for an amazing cause and I'm sure it will be worth it. 
But I hate that all the articles I've come across
disregard what goes through an expecting mother's brains. 
And it's tough to understand unless you've been through it. 

I'm not down or hormonal today - 
because I wouldn't have written this post if I were, 
I'm honestly saying it as it is
because it's better to prepare yourself and 
know that it's OKAY to feel like that
because changes are indeed hard to take in. 

32 weeks pregnant in the photo

it's all for a good cause. 
For a little one that you'll soon call your own :)


Wednesday, October 23, 2013


22 weeks in the photo!

Probably my most asked question when it comes to my pregnancy is cravings. 
And whilst I like to tell people I don't believe in them 
(I don't). 
- I still like to use them to my advantage.
At the beginning of my pregnancy I could barely keep anything down, 
so I definitely didn't have any cravings. 
I started to hate meat, and anything that you'd have to chew a lot - 
but I got over it after the first 12 weeks. 

I've become OVERPROTECTIVE over my food. 
Like - if we go to the cinema and I get popcorn, I freak out if someone touches my popcorn. 
If I order fries at Mcdonalds, don't you DARE touch my fries. 
No, really, don't.
I don't know if it's normal but I could barely chuck down the whole thing before, 
now I'm like "it's all mine. MINE. MINE. MINE". 

I'm the type of person who you wouldn't want to tell what I can't have.
If I can't have it - I'm craving it.
 So the doctor told me exactly what I can't have.

He told me I can't have blue cheese and lots of sugar.
 I WANT blue cheese and lots of sugar.
 I don't have it - before everyone goes all BAD MAMA on me, but I still want it.

I miss redbull. I mean gosh I miss redbull. Not just redbull - any other energy drink flavour for that matter. I swear, whenever all this is over I'm going to buy a whole box of redbull and get high on its caffeine.

Some people have told me I'll love fish when I get pregnant. No. Just NO. Bring me a fish, and I'll give you 9 months worth of pregnancy hormones. 

My cravings haven't changed at all. I still LOVE junk food, salty food and crisps and what not, 
and quite frankly, I don't think that'll ever change. 

So there you have it. 
My pregnancy cravings. 
I wonder if people believe in them, or if pregnant women have had different experiences, 
so I would love to read about your pregnancy cravings, 
OR if you relate to anything above. 


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

RE-LAUNCHING *Dyna's Random Blog !

- This is my new blog - I won't be deleting my old blog, 
this won't be a replacement in any form.

"Makeup by Dyna" used to be "Dyna's Random Blog" but my blog became anything but random
so I decided to change the name. 

Now I've realised that at times I post more personal blog posts - 
non-makeup related and it feels weird to post something like that on a makeup blog.
So *Dyna's Random Blog is back. 
So this is my "other" blog - for posting anything non-makeup related. 

I hope you enjoy my posts
and take care dolls!