Wednesday, October 23, 2013


22 weeks in the photo!

Probably my most asked question when it comes to my pregnancy is cravings. 
And whilst I like to tell people I don't believe in them 
(I don't). 
- I still like to use them to my advantage.
At the beginning of my pregnancy I could barely keep anything down, 
so I definitely didn't have any cravings. 
I started to hate meat, and anything that you'd have to chew a lot - 
but I got over it after the first 12 weeks. 

I've become OVERPROTECTIVE over my food. 
Like - if we go to the cinema and I get popcorn, I freak out if someone touches my popcorn. 
If I order fries at Mcdonalds, don't you DARE touch my fries. 
No, really, don't.
I don't know if it's normal but I could barely chuck down the whole thing before, 
now I'm like "it's all mine. MINE. MINE. MINE". 

I'm the type of person who you wouldn't want to tell what I can't have.
If I can't have it - I'm craving it.
 So the doctor told me exactly what I can't have.

He told me I can't have blue cheese and lots of sugar.
 I WANT blue cheese and lots of sugar.
 I don't have it - before everyone goes all BAD MAMA on me, but I still want it.

I miss redbull. I mean gosh I miss redbull. Not just redbull - any other energy drink flavour for that matter. I swear, whenever all this is over I'm going to buy a whole box of redbull and get high on its caffeine.

Some people have told me I'll love fish when I get pregnant. No. Just NO. Bring me a fish, and I'll give you 9 months worth of pregnancy hormones. 

My cravings haven't changed at all. I still LOVE junk food, salty food and crisps and what not, 
and quite frankly, I don't think that'll ever change. 

So there you have it. 
My pregnancy cravings. 
I wonder if people believe in them, or if pregnant women have had different experiences, 
so I would love to read about your pregnancy cravings, 
OR if you relate to anything above. 


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