Saturday, November 30, 2013


I am 38 weeks along - which means I'm two weeks away from my due date !
Time is honestly passing by real quickly,
even though everyone kept telling me it'll pass real slow at the end.
She could come any second now,
because from what I read most women give birth during the two week period before their due date or till they're induced. 
I honestly can't wait for her to come along though, I'm dying to meet her
and hold her in my arms.

How far along? 

38 weeks and it still hasn't quite kicked in she'll be in my arms real soon!

Total weight gain/measurements:

I haven't weighed myself I'm pretty sure I'm round the 61 kilo mark now.

Maternity clothes:

Again, I haven't worn any throughout my pregnancy - I just wore things that are loose 
and that I feel comfortable in, and wore things that are 1-2 sizes bigger.

Stretch marks: 

Nothing new - but I do have some on my thighs and bust. THEY SUCK.


I haven't been sleeping all that well. Aside from the frequent bathroom visits, I have been having 
quite strong pelvic pains, but I know it's perfectly normal at this point.

Best moment this week:

She had hiccups, and I find them so cute!

Miss anything? 

Being able to sleep comfortably, but I can live with it.


ALL THE TIME. I still haven't managed to capture her motions on camera though.

Food cravings: 

I haven't had the best of appetites lately, 
I have been having heartburn 
and it's annoying more than anything.
I haven't been fancying meat all that much lately, either.

Anything making you queasy or sick?

Cigarettes and Fish, again. My sense of smell is much stronger at this point, and I can smell cigarettes from metres away.


She's definitely a girl. My little doll - I'm already buying her bows and hair stuff :D


Exhaustion, back pain, pelvic pain, 
loss of appetite and heartburn.
Honestly, they're not as bad as they sound though.

Belly button in or out? 

Still in - but it has really stretched out. I don't think it will pop out.

Happy or moody most of the time: 

Mainly happy, I do get moody from time to time, 
but it's quite rare these days.

Looking forward to: 

Finally meeting little Aicha! 

I hope you dolls have a great day, 
and in the meantime take care!


Wednesday, November 27, 2013


I decided to start a new type of post, 
something different than what I typically post.

I LOVE reading blogs, watching youtube tutorials and what not. 
And I am quite selective in what I read, 
because I support a lot of bloggers and gurus. 
But I don't read / watch all their stuff - in all honesty,
because I'd have to spend all day watching and reading. 
There are bloggers/ gurus I constantly get back to 
and others I randomly stumble across. 
Every week I'll *try* to give a shout out to posts I honestly enjoyed, 
and I think are worth reading. 
Not just posts, videos too.
So without further ado  -

#1 Shaaanxo post a video review with swatches of some limecrime lipsticks. They've been on my wishlist for ages.. and don't they look pretty? Check the video out HERE

#2 Samantha Schuerman's big sexy waves tutorial is pretty simple, but will definitely come handy on flat bad hair days. Check it out HERE

#3 Elle from Elle Beauty She Wrote reviewed some beautiful matte nail polishes ! Check out the swatches HERE

#4 Claire's Online Chronicles reviewed some Anatomicals products HERE

#5 Use every drop of cosmetics with Makeup Spatulas as reviewed by The Glam Goddess. Read on HERE

#6 Check out Beauty Broadcast's Beauty product backups HERE

#7 Pretty Polish from Catrice as reviewed by Taya HERE

#8 MsJazzy2Classy featured how she uses the LA girl pro conceal HD concealer in her video HERE

#9 Beautiful Nail Art from Lady with No Name - Check it out HERE

#10 Gossmakeupartist hauled some lipsticks he got from the US HERE

#11 Melissa Raymond (love her!) shares the products she uses everyday but never mentions HERE

#12 Check out Chloe Morello 's Tutorial for Big Hair with Volume & Soft Layers HERE

#13 Watch an Everyday Makeup Tutorial from Melissa Merk HERE

#14 Check out Christine's Makeup Beauty and Fashion's Weekly Macro HERE. PRETTY !

#15 Emilynoel83 shares about Makeup she's hit major pan on HERE

#16 Shaaanxo's get ready with -her- video: clubbing HERE

#17 WSITN shared his empties - and he's so picky, so when he says something's good - it's good.
Check it out HERE

#18 Youtube Interview TAG by Leighannsays HERE

#19 Nicole Guerriero swatched the new Revlon lacquer and matte balms - and let me just say - those matte balms went straight to my wishlist. Check her video out HERE

#20 Other side of cool reviews Origins GinZing Energy Boosting Moisturiser

#21 Beckawoo reviewEd the MUA luxe power brow HERE

#22 MUA GEMMA reviewed the MUA luxe velvet lip lacquers HERE

#23 Nina's Bargain Beauty - (honestly, she's the sweetest ever! - go follow her!) - reviews a WnW LE palette which is a pretty good dupe for Urban Decay Naked1 - and it seems like it's even better too!
Check her post out HERE

#24 Lady with no Name  reviewed Essence NEW Gel Nails at Home top coat HERE

#25 The lovely Sarah Hassan reviewed Catrice Sun Glow Mat Bronzing Powder HERE

#26 Every Beauty Addicts Bible Nail Tutorial HERE

That's it for this round up post, 
I've already started jotting down new posts for next week, 
so stay tuned 
and I hope you enjoy their posts / videos!


Tuesday, November 26, 2013

What I'd Tell My Pre-Pregnant Self.

Over the time I've realised 
how much my mental image of being pregnant was far different 
than what I expected. 
I think it's quite normal to have misconceptions about pregnancy 
especially about how things actually feel like. 
It's a huge change in life to get pregnant, 
and I don't think anyone can prepare enough for it. 
There are physical, social, relationship changes that happen 
and together with hormones it can be quite tough to digest. 
I'm not saying this to dishearten anyone - 
because there are plenty of good stuff in the mixture.

But if you've ever seen that film - What to expect when you're expecting - 
(which is one amazing funny film!) - 
you'll get the gist of what I'm saying. 
Every pregnancy is different,
 and if I could give myself advice and some tips on what I should have expected when I got pregnant, 
the following points would be it. 

37 weeks pregnant

There are really nice things that come along,
and it's a lovely experience -
but it's not all unicorns and flowers and roses, 
there are some tough times too. 

#1. Be it whether you have an unplanned or planned pregnancy, 
you'll soon find out that a baby is the happiest of news. You're growing a human being, 
who will probably look and act like you. That little human being is your legacy, your life.

#2. Feeling your baby move is weird but amazing at the same time. It's freaky and really fun at the same time. You won't believe it's a real baby, still. The baby will be your number one entertainment in your belly. You'll never feel alone.

#3. Once you're pregnant, you've lost control over your whole body. Your energy, your blood pressure, your immunity. No matter what you do, it's not totally up to you anymore. If you need to rest, rest. If you need to stop working, stop. No one will hand you a gold metal for trying to do what your body doesn't want to do.

#4. You're going to get hormonal. And you'll cry like a baby at times. Yes, it's like having your period for 9 months. Pretty much. Only, the hormones will only kick in every now and then. You'll feel hysterical this second, and oh-so-tearful the next.

#5. You'll learn everything you'll need to know about pregnancy and baby, don't you worry. By the time you'll need to know it all, you will. Don't freak out, you'll have plenty of time to learn.

#6. Don't let people get to you. Tell them to cut the crap when they're being overprotective. Yes you can slather lotions on your body, and you can put on perfume and it won't harm your baby.

#7. You'll have to sacrifice a lot, it's worth it, and won't feel like a sacrifice. Because it's not all about you anymore, and that will kick in once you hear your baby's heartbeat the first time. You can't eat some food, you can't drink some drinks, you can't go clubbing anymore. I swear it won't feel like a sacrifice, because it's all for the little one.

#8. Your body will get big and huge. You're skinny, I know. But it doesn't matter. Your belly is going to get big and you're going to pack on the weight. It might be tough to digest, and the changes will get to you. But it's perfectly normal.

#9. You might get stretchmarks. Let's put it this way. Accept that you will get stretchmarks,
because if you think you won't get any and actually get some, you will be very very upset.
Think of it as a package type of deal, you got pregnant, you get stretchmarks. And it's okay.
Halle Berry has them too. She's over 40 and still hot.

 #10.  Last but not least. Pregnancy might come with a few bits and bobs that will upset you.
You might get tired, you might have low blood pressure or get backaches,
or hemorrhoids, or a C-section scar, or heartburn.
BUT let's face it - unless you want to have 10 babies,
you won't be pregnant for that long,
and you are going to spend very little in your life being pregnant.
Enjoy it and whenever your baby kicks -
remember how amazing the female body can be.

I hope you guys enjoyed this post,
and till the next,
take care dolls!


Monday, November 25, 2013


As you might know ever since I launched my new blog
I've decided to shift my weekly diary round ups over here.
I've been posting posts daily, 
and will continue to do so as much as I can. 
And here's like a summary of what I've posted last week!








ELF Essentials Eyeliner in Copper | Review w/ Swatches !

 That's it for this post-
I hope you find it helpful.
Thank you guys for supporting and following
and I'll see you in the next post!

Saturday, November 23, 2013


I am 37 weeks along and I can't believe I'm 3 weeks away from my due date.. 
Should Aicha decide to stay comfortably inside, she ought to be born just about a month from now. 
But she can knock any second now - so you can never tell. 
But a month from now I know I'll be holding her and I'm just so excited to look at her tiny face :D

37 weeks!

How far along? 

37 weeks. Honestly - everyone kept telling me the last few weeks are the longest. 
And yes, I mean, I know it can happen any second now, but the weeks are rolling by so fast.

Total weight gain/measurements:

I've gained a little over 15 kilos so far. But I know I have some 1-3 kilos to go.

Maternity clothes:

I don't really wear maternity clothes. I wear jeggings, because my old jeans don't fit of course. 
I wear long shirts. AND sweatpants. Gosh I looove sweatpants.

Stretch marks: 

Nothing new - but I do have some on my thighs and bust. THEY SUCK.


I sleep if I'm overly tired, but I get up still every now and then.
Also it seems I hardly ever sleep more than 6 hours straight. But then again - I often have afternoon naps.

Best moment this week:

I haven't had a "best" moment type of thing. Her kicks are now much stronger and even though 
it sometimes kind of hurts, especially when she kicks on my ribcage, 
I love to know she's a healthy energetic baby.

Miss anything? 

RED BULL. Sleeping like I used to. And fitting all my old clothes.
 I sometimes randomly open my wardrobe 
and look at all the dresses I'm currently unable to wear. 
It doesn't put me down or anything, 
but they definitely keep me motivated to exercise and lose the weight eventually.


NON-STOP. haha - If I don't feel her moving after some 15 minutes, I start worrying, 
because I'm used to her motions.

Food cravings: 

I don't really believe in pregnancy cravings, 
a normal unpregnant (if that's a word) human being has cravings too.
And mine haven't changed, honestly.
I used to crave junk food - still do. 
Crisps - still do. 
Ice-cream - still do. 
Mind you - I'm not the type of person who has a sweet tooth, 
and also, I refrain from having chocolate and sugary treats 
because my doctor had told me it makes the baby fat, 
and that's not a good thing. 
So I do have chocolate every now and then. 
but that's pretty much it. 

Anything making you queasy or sick?

Fish and cigarettes, but there's nothing new there.


 IT'S A GIRL! We've known that for ages though.


Constant tiredness, back pain,
 I'm having a hard time breathing properly 
and even walking up and down the stairs has become quite the task.
I think I have been having Braxton Hicks or whatever they're called.. 
they're like preparations for contractions.

Belly button in or out? 

In.. but it's reallly stretched out. I find it quite funny.

Happy or moody most of the time: 

Happy, definitely. I have my down moments, 
and I often get bored, too. 
Which is why I've been blogging so intensively these past few days. 
But other than that I've been super happy.

Looking forward to: 

There are two things I'm looking forward to most. 
I mean - obviously I really want to see her face and wonder who she looks like and what not. 

But the two main things I realllly am looking forward to - 
are having her look me in my eyes (even though I know newborn babies don't see all that properly)
and seeing her smile. I really want to see her smile and laugh and be a happy baby.

On another note - 

I've actually decided not to post actual photos of her on my blog/facebook and all my channels. 
As I had said, I don't often post about my personal life. 
I never wanted my channel to turn into a mummy blog. 
And I'm very selective on sharing photos of my daughter,
 because people out there can be so cruel. 
And I don't want to post photos of her as a baby / growing up.
I might post snippets, but I don't want to post photos of her face, 
not even on my personal pages. 
I've seen how people talk about Anna Saccone's daughter
and I'd freak out if anyone would try to comment or say anything that hurtful about my child. 
Not that I'm judging anyone for doing that. 
I just choose not to put my daughter in that position. 

Plus- it seems like everyone likes to butt in their 2 cents on how to raise a child, 
and I don't want to expose myself to all that. 

Basically everyone can do his own thing, 
and when she grows up, 
she can decide for herself whether she'd like her photos up on the internet or not. 

I hope you dolls have a great day, 
and in the meantime take care!


Friday, November 22, 2013

IT'S GOSSIP O'CLOCK! Channing Tatum spoofs Van Damme's Split + Demi Lovato's Neon NEW SONG!

I urge you to go see Channing Tatum's spoof video for the new Volvo commercial. 
It's too good!

Plus Demi Lovato has a new song out - called Neon Lights. 
I seriously want her blue hair. If blue hair stayed put like blonde does, 
I'd so dye my hair blue right now. 
The song is really catchy, not that the tune is that unique, but I like it :D

Any thoughts?

Thursday, November 21, 2013

IT'S GOSSIP O'CLOCK! What Miley's been up to lately and Someone Got Married!



Source: Celebuzz


 So Miley Cyrus bleached her eyebrows.
I sort of feel better now -
because the other day I lightened my brows and they turned out a tad too light,
so I have to desperately fill them in so I won't look like a ghost.
But thanks Miley, I feel better now that I was into the whole no-brow trend before you did.


And the bride's Cher Lloyd!
Doesn't she look beautiful?

Source: On Air with Ryan Seacrest

Any thoughts?

- Dyna

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

IT'S GOSSIP O'CLOCK! - Kelly Clarkson is pregnant & Kim Kardashian sinks to a whole other level..


I have HAPPY news and what I like to call DISGUSTING news.

First off let's start with the happy note :D -

KELLY CLARKSON is pregnant !

 I adore Kelly Clarkson, love her music, composure and I love that she hasn't fallen under the trap 
of losing herself in the process of becoming a star. I'm so happy for her and it feels great to hear such great news!


So Kanye West launched a new song, which I must say - is a crappy one at that. 
But there's more. 
Kim Kardashian is basically lurking around naked in the video - 
I mean you can't really see the girlies, but she's topless, 
like you can see a silhouette of them. 
Kanye also seems to be humping his "lady", if you can call her that  throughout this video. 
A lot of people are arguing he's in love and he wants to share that with the world. 
Seriously, have some CLASS. 
I don't like to hate on people, and I actually Kim has a great sense of style, 
so I have nothing against Kim. 
But what lurks in their bedroom should stay there. PERIOD. 

Watch the video below - not that there's anything you'd miss if you didn't.

Any thoughts?

- Dyna


I decided to start a new type of post, 
something different than what I typically post.

I LOVE reading blogs, watching youtube tutorials and what not. 
And I am quite selective in what I read, 
because I support a lot of bloggers. 
But I don't read / watch all their stuff - in all honesty. 
There are bloggers/ gurus I constantly get back to 
and others I randomly stumble across. 

Every week I'll *try* to give a shout out to posts I honestly enjoyed, 
and I think are worth reading. 
Not just posts, videos too.

So without further ado  - 

#1 Ashley Tiernan reviewed the ELF waterproof eyeliner crayon HERE. I had my eye on it, so for me this was a very helpful video. Thumbs up Ash!

#2 One of my favourite youtube gurus Nicole Guerriero hauled some stuff I can't get my hands on HERE. Plus, I love the dark lip on her !

#3 Kandee Johnson (no introduction needed) reviewed and uploaded a tutorial on the new NAKED3 palette HERE.

#4 Loved Makeup with Jah's NYX haul & tutorial HERE!

#5 JordysBeautySpot reviewed a couple of Daiso items, even though I can't get the brand, I like to know of any brands that are affordble, just in case I find them available online / in stores. Watch the video HERE.

#6 I love Shaanxo's video. Her accent is so friendly, I don't know if it's just me - and you can watch her try out new products HERE

#7 Samantha Schuerman's Sizzles & Fizzles - which I watch every week - check it out HERE

 #8 Lara's Every Beauty Addict's Bible hauled some stuff HERE. She even gave me a shout out <3 Such a sweetheart!

 #9 Lady with no Name reviewed the Benefit Makeup Kit HERE

#10 Beauty She Wrote reviewed the Makeup store eye pot in HOT HERE

#11 Martina from All Things Fabulous gave us an update on her Diet Diaries. LOVE her weekly series, you go girl! Check out her post HERE
#12 And Marija from All things lady is engaged. Awwwww! Congrats doll - HERE's her announcement

Those are pretty much all the posts / videos I honestly enjoyed watching / reading these couple of days, and let me know if you'd like to see more of these posts ! 

Monday, November 18, 2013


As you might know ever since I launched my new blog
I've decided to shift my weekly diary round ups over here.
I've been posting posts daily, 
and will continue to do so as much as I can. 
And here's like a summary of what I've posted last week!


ESSENCE Multi Vitamin Nail Hardener | Review w/ Swatches ! 

 Read about this nail hardener HERE!


LIPSTICK DIARIES #57 | NYX India | Natural Makeup! 

 Check out the whole look HERE!


GOOD THINGS Five Minute Facial Mask | Review w/ Swatches! 

 Check out the review post HERE!


 Check out the post HERE!



ESSENCE Duo Colour Nail Polish in Midnight Date | Review w/ Swatches ! 

Check out the swatches HERE!



MUA NEW Pro-Base Complexion Kit Review w/ Swatches ! 

Check out the review post HERE!


NYX Glitter Mania in GP09 Disco Ball | Review w/ Swatches ! 

Check out the review post HERE!



VIVO Blush and Highlight Duo in Pink Primrose #1 |Review w/ Swatches ! 

 Check out the review post HERE!



Check out what ESSENCE has in store for you- NEW PRODUCTS now available at the stands!

 My most-viewed post this week - and it's well worth checking out I promise!
Read on HERE!


CATRICE Longlasting Eyeliner Pen in 070 Puddle of Mudd | Review w/ Swatches ! 

Check out my REVIEW HERE!




MUA Eyeshadow in 17 - Matt | Review w/ Swatches ! 

Read my review HERE!


 That's it for this post-
I hope you find it helpful.
Thank you guys for supporting and following
and I'll see you in the next post!

Monday, November 11, 2013


As you might know ever since I launched my new blog
I've decided to shift my weekly diary round ups over here.

I've been posting posts daily, 
and will continue to do so as much as I can. 
And here's like a summary of what I've posted last week!


WJCON Long Lasting Eyeliner in Violet Ametista #11 | Review w/ Swatches !

Read about this purple liner review HERE!



LIPSTICK DIARIES #55 | NYX Fig & WnW Pinkerbell | VIVO BB cream initial impression ! 

Check out the products I used for this look as well as VIVO's BB cream initial impression HERE!




 Check out the ELF products on my wishlist HERE!


Meanwhile.. on *Dyna's Random Blog

9 months to MOMMY.. 

 Check out my ramble HERE!



Turns out.. Urban Decay NAKED 3 exists ! IT'S REAL! 

The widely controversial palette - READ ON HERE!

 naked3 (1 sur 18)

And on *Dyna's Random Blog

Hunger Games Star Jennifer Lawrence chopped it ALL off! 

Check out her new-do HERE!

 Jennifer Lawrence



Check out my favourites for the month of October HERE!



ELF Maximum Coverage Concealer | Review w/ Swatches ! 

Check out my review on this ELF concealer HERE!





 ESSENCE TE Soul Sista in 05 Mojito Green | Review w/ Swatches ! 

Check out my review on the product as well as more photos HERE!

 That's it for this post-
I hope you find it helpful.
Thank you guys for supporting and following
and I'll see you in the next post!