I am 37 weeks along and I can't believe I'm 3 weeks away from my due date..
Should Aicha decide to stay comfortably inside, she ought to be born just about a month from now.
But she can knock any second now - so you can never tell.
But a month from now I know I'll be holding her and I'm just so excited to look at her tiny face :D

37 weeks!
How far along?
37 weeks. Honestly - everyone kept telling me the last few weeks are the longest.
And yes, I mean, I know it can happen any second now, but the weeks are rolling by so fast.
Total weight gain/measurements:
I've gained a little over 15 kilos so far. But I know I have some 1-3 kilos to go.
Maternity clothes:
I don't really wear maternity clothes. I wear jeggings, because my old jeans don't fit of course.
I wear long shirts. AND sweatpants. Gosh I looove sweatpants.
Stretch marks:
Nothing new - but I do have some on my thighs and bust. THEY SUCK.
I sleep if I'm overly tired, but I get up still every now and then.
Also it seems I hardly ever sleep more than 6 hours straight. But then again - I often have afternoon naps.
Best moment this week:
I haven't had a "best" moment type of thing. Her kicks are now much stronger and even though
it sometimes kind of hurts, especially when she kicks on my ribcage,
I love to know she's a healthy energetic baby.
Miss anything?
RED BULL. Sleeping like I used to. And fitting all my old clothes.
I sometimes randomly open my wardrobe
and look at all the dresses I'm currently unable to wear.
It doesn't put me down or anything,
but they definitely keep me motivated to exercise and lose the weight eventually.
NON-STOP. haha - If I don't feel her moving after some 15 minutes, I start worrying,
because I'm used to her motions.
Food cravings:
I don't really believe in pregnancy cravings,
a normal unpregnant (if that's a word) human being has cravings too.
And mine haven't changed, honestly.
I used to crave junk food - still do.
Crisps - still do.
Ice-cream - still do.
Mind you - I'm not the type of person who has a sweet tooth,
and also, I refrain from having chocolate and sugary treats
because my doctor had told me it makes the baby fat,
and that's not a good thing.
So I do have chocolate every now and then.
but that's pretty much it.
Anything making you queasy or sick?
Fish and cigarettes, but there's nothing new there.
IT'S A GIRL! We've known that for ages though.
Constant tiredness, back pain,
I'm having a hard time breathing properly
and even walking up and down the stairs has become quite the task.
I think I have been having Braxton Hicks or whatever they're called..
they're like preparations for contractions.
Belly button in or out?
In.. but it's reallly stretched out. I find it quite funny.Happy or moody most of the time:
Happy, definitely. I have my down moments,
and I often get bored, too.
Which is why I've been blogging so intensively these past few days.
But other than that I've been super happy.
Looking forward to:
There are two things I'm looking forward to most.
I mean - obviously I really want to see her face and wonder who she looks like and what not.
But the two main things I realllly am looking forward to -
are having her look me in my eyes (even though I know newborn babies don't see all that properly)
and seeing her smile. I really want to see her smile and laugh and be a happy baby.
On another note -
I've actually decided not to post actual photos of her on my blog/facebook and all my channels.
As I had said, I don't often post about my personal life.
I never wanted my channel to turn into a mummy blog.
And I'm very selective on sharing photos of my daughter,
because people out there can be so cruel.
And I don't want to post photos of her as a baby / growing up.
I might post snippets, but I don't want to post photos of her face,
not even on my personal pages.
I've seen how people talk about Anna Saccone's daughter
and I'd freak out if anyone would try to comment or say anything that hurtful about my child.
Not that I'm judging anyone for doing that.
I just choose not to put my daughter in that position.
Plus- it seems like everyone likes to butt in their 2 cents on how to raise a child,
and I don't want to expose myself to all that.
Basically everyone can do his own thing,
and when she grows up,
she can decide for herself whether she'd like her photos up on the internet or not.
I hope you dolls have a great day,
and in the meantime take care!
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