Friday, April 4, 2014

Seems like I'm getting hated on... so I decided to quit Youtube and blogging, I'm shutting it all down by tonight...

 Seems like I'm getting hated on... 
so I decided to quit Youtube and blogging,   
I'm shutting it all down by tonight, 
then I'm going to munch on chocolate and cookies,
 microwavable popcorn and pizza,
 and cry myself to sleep.  
Yes, it's all true my dears, except for the quitting, crying and shutting down parts. 

 If you're still lost in the words, 
NO I'm not going to quit youtube or blogging. 

I hate the word "haters" 
because it makes me feel like I'm some wannabe celebrity. 
But what else do you call someone 
who is trying to do you harm, 
trying to hurt you
and stopping you from doing what you love?

 There used to be a time when "haters"
used to get  to me.
I used to get offended and every little comment 
that would somehow be on the negative side I'd take SO personally. 
And now I notice these things and I honestly say.. 
"what would really make these people happy?"
It's quitting what I love to do 
- the one thing that annoys them most.
They can't bully me into stopping this. 
They just can't.

But that doesn't mean I have to stop having my own fun out of the situation. 

So if YOU read this title saying "FINALLY!". This is for you.
Telling you that you'll never stop me, 
your comments don't have ANY effect whatsoever on what I do. 
I am never going to do this type of post, again, 
because I think I have made myself very clear.
And you need to go suck a lemon or something. 

If YOU've read the title and you got disappointed, 
I thank you from the bottom of my heart
for supporting me 
-even if you never comment, 
but if you watch my videos or read my posts, 
THAT already means a lot to me. 
That was my primary reason to start this channel, 
posting what I love to post about -
that's what I do.
I feel I've grown so much over the past years,
I'm not afraid to do something that might not be endorsed by everyone. 
I've learned not to play it safe. 
I've learned to be me, 
and shut out all negativity. 
And if you have a challenging period going on in your life, 

REMEMBER to value the people that would want  put you in a better place 
not the ones who would want to take you down. 

Over & Out. 


  1. When I read the title I got a mini heart attack! Dyna, you are awesome and inspirational! Some people are just jealous and apparently they like to torture other people! Which is very sad! I love reading your blog, and I love watching your videos, so you can imagine how disappointing I was when I read this title! I really believe that you shouldn't listen to these people. I believe that you are a strong person and as a fellow reader, subscriber and blogger I support you!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi dyna..I don't actually follow your blog to be honest just some posts now and then... but when I saw this post I was a bit shocked that they actually got to you ...but might I say well done ... never let haters destroy what you love most..thats exactly what they want.. you are a strong person and really good at what you keep it up !!!

  4. Hi dyna..I don't actually follow your blog to be honest just some posts now and then... but when I saw this post I was a bit shocked that they actually got to you ...but might I say well done ... never let haters destroy what you love most..thats exactly what they want.. you are a strong person and really good at what you keep it up !!!

  5. when I read the headline on FB, I thought either you got hacked or it was a late April Fools Joke,.... I think something really big has to happen to keep you from filming or blogging <3

  6. Don't you dare quit because you'll have to face me then missy!!! ;) they're jealous, so go on and start blogging and posting your blog posts twice daily instead of just once ;)

  7. Urgh - the beauty world can be a harsh and bitchy place to be
    Sorry you've been on the receiving end- I think most people some point and like you say at first it hurts and then you get thick skin and don't listen to them.
    Bit of a pointless post just to try and make you feel like you've done something wrong when you haven't..

    Stick to ya guns girl, they'll move next poor all seriousness you'd think they'd have better things to do than write a but that's how trolls synthetic kicks sadly :(
    Keep.going babes- good post!!!


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