Friday, May 9, 2014

And like the dramatic person that I am, here's AN ANNOUNCEMENT.

I have been contemplating about doing this.
And a part of me (still) doesn't want me to do this.
I enjoy uploading videos and getting feedback from you all.

I promised to upload daily videos
-which I can do, technically-
I have 10 pre filmed videos to upload
They are edited and ready to be uploaded.
So what's the problem?

The problem is that I got bored with blogging in the first place
because I promised to post daily.
And I'm doing the same thing here.

Whilst a 10 minute video might not seem like it's a lot to some of you,
it actually takes me hours to edit, save, upload, publish and edit the description and thumbnail.

This is my hobby.
And this post is a reminder of that.
I should not make the mistake of turning something that I enjoy doing
into a daily task.

I might still upload stuff daily,
but I have taken my "NEW VIDEO DAILY" banners down.
I'm just going to upload whenever I feel like it.
I hope you guys understand.

I would like to continue uploading videos that you all enjoy
and just like a dear friend of mine told me,
if I don't enjoy doing it, I can't expect you to do so too.

I'm not sure if I'm uploading today.
Because, again, I don't feel like it this second.
I might change my mind and upload.

But the thing is, I have removed all the self-imposed duties
that I have done over the past few months.
I don't want to feel like I have to film, edit and upload.
I want to feel like I want to.

Someone asked me what do I do in my free time,
other than youtube.
And I literally could not think of an answer.
I don't do anything anymore just for me,
except for youtube videos.
And that is wrong of me.

So while the sun is out,
I'm going to slather on some makeup
(because I look like a ghost without it)
and go for a walk with Aicha
because I've pretty much never done that.

Hope you all have a great day,
and till the next video,
I'll see you guys later!



  1. Honey, I can totally understand your decision. I love watching your videos, no matter how often you post. I post vids three times a week plus work on the blog and its a lot of work ( I don't even have an intro etc!!). Filming, editing and uploading take a lot of time and I think everyone who does videos will understand that <3
    Enjoy the sun and time with Aicha and I'm looking forward to reading from you and seeing you whenever you upload again! *hugs*

  2. You don't have to post every day to be awesome :P Enjoy your life and enjoy your daughter cause you will never get these moments with your child again - treasure your sweet angel and enjoy doing what you love.. It is such a shame when you treat a talent as a chore..

    Take good care dear :) and well done for everything xxx


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