Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Mummy at 22.

Whilst I don't really like to talk about my private life on my blogs,
except for some issues,
I really wanted to write this blog post.

I'm 22. I got pregnant at 21,
I now have a daughter at 22 years old.
She's almost 5 months already,
and her name is Aicha.

And here's all I have to say about it.

Aicha came across as a surprise
(I hate the phrase 'unplanned pregnancy', you see).
I (now regretfully) cried when we found out.
I freaked out because I felt I was not ready to raise a human being.

I had plans to continue my studies (I have a B.Comm with English)
and was working as an English teacher for foreign students for a few months.
And I wanted a full time job.  
 But I didn't quite care about my plans, I swear.
They're just plans.
I just didn't know if I was ready to have a baby.
But I was going to.
I was pregnant.

So we made plans.
WE (me and my boyfriend - because no, we're not married)
love each other A LOT.
We know we want to be with each other.
Not because we were going to have a baby, no.
We knew long before then.

I am what you can call - a single parent,
 because I'm not married.
So technically I fall under that statistic.
I don't feel alone, or 'single'.
Because I'm not.

I am a happy mother of a 5 month old
in a happy relationship.
My daughter is healthy,
and she makes my day every time I hear her crackle a laugh.

and even though she came across a surprise,
I wouldn't have it any other way.

I used to watch people who have had unplanned pregnancies
saying if they had a choice and go back,
they would do things exactly the same
because they can't imagine their life without their son or their daughter.

Back then,
I thought they just said it
because they didn't feel like they had a choice.

But honestly,
I feel that same way, too.

If I were to postpone the pregnancy,
I probably wouldn't have the Aicha I know now,
she'd probably be different,
she might even be a boy.
And I love my daughter, as she is.
And the thought of not having her in my life
scares me.
Screw my previous plans!
Because now, I have even more beautiful plans,
one that includes my daughter in them.

 I want to embrace and enjoy every stage of her growing up.
I want her to be there when something nice happens to me.
I want to share it with her, with my boyfriend,
because they mean the world to me.
And without her as she is,
I don't know what it would be like to be me.



  1. Beautiful! I have a son, hes 11 now. I got pregnant at 18. Sadly my boyfriend left us when I were 6 months pregnant. Even though my dreams were "scattered" as someone would call it, I would NEVER even think about a life without him! He is my everything, and he will allways be my everything! Yes, people will judge me, because being a single, young mother is not something you plan for or opt for. But Its not their choice, it was mine! I have a full time job at the school I went to my self as a child, and we live in a nice and safe neighborhood, and we are happy! Thats all that matters. Not the age, and not the "scattered" dreams and plans made in the past!
    I have been following you for a while now, and I must say that you impress me! Managing to both be a great blogger and a great mother! You go girl!!

  2. What a brave lady. You know how Maltese attitude to this sort of thing better than anyone who never went through it and prosit for getting through that and writing this post. Love your videos :) xxx


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